Thursday, January 4, 2007

The Wisdom in my Teeth

After having all four of my impacted wisdom teeth yanked from my head within the space of an hour (bravo to my oral surgeon), I've spent the majority of the last two days in bed hopped up on a cocktail of vicodin, ibuprofen and acetaminophen. The swelling and the pain has been intense, yes, but the perks are worth mentioning.

Did you catch the part where I said I've spent the last two days in bed? A miracle for a mother. When we arrived home from the dental office my husband parked me in bed, popped in one my favorite movies, The Big Lebowski (and if you've seen The Big Lebowski you'd know it's well suited to vicodin-laden viewing) and then hauled the kids off to the park. Normally when he takes the kids anywhere I tackle the chores that are otherwise impossible with kidlets underfoot.

Another perk: I couldn't talk, at least not with any volume or clarity due to the wads of gauze in each cheek, the dryness of my throat and the numbness of my entire lower face. So what was the perk? Well, when I felt the compulsion to control coming over me, I was simply unable to give commands. I had to let go. I had to forgo asking my daughter is she wiped, flushed and washed after each visit to the potty. I couldn't raise my voice over my screaming son's to tell my husband to rock him not bounce him. My voicelessness forced me to relinquish my control over the minute workings of our family - and no bad has come of it. My daughter has not fallen ill due to poor hygiene and my son eventually got to sleep. All is well and I have discovered a measure of peace and freedom that comes from giving up micromanagement.

Another perk: La Leche League faithfuls please forgive me, but the responsibility of nursing my five-month-old son fell from my shoulders and I reveled in it - I reveled in the bottle! My husband fed him, my Little Beauty was delighted to feed him, and he was fine with it. I am still nursing him at about every other feeding, but I feel that this episode has given me the chance to wean him. Bring on the sexy bras!!!

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