Thursday, March 15, 2007

Steward of My Babies Bodies

I suspected that my seven-month-old son had breast cancer - yes, breast cancer. I cancelled yet another play date and brought him to the pediatrician. It turns out a bright red nipple with a distinct lump beneath it is a normal reaction to mild irritation. Nothing a little Vaseline and a soft cotton onsie won't cure.

I've begun sneaking flax seed meal into my daughters food in a last ditch effort to quell her eczema. I asked the pediatrician about the constant flare-ups and he said eczema is a chronic condition that just has to be managed. I have been trying to manage it with colloidal oatmeal baths, creamy Vaseline rub-downs, and even hydracortisone cream - all without much success. Flax seed is suppose to help with skin allergies - we shall see....

The bath water isn't dirty... it's the colloidal oatmeal!

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